
Monday, June 21, 2010

3D Dalli

This is her...a partial picture. I love her cute Welling cheeks and puckered lips. Her hand is also under cute. Sorry if it's creepy, but I think she's so cute! I'm a little bias.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

happenings in the basin

So time seems to be flying by lately! my 2nd trimester flew by and i'm feeling great! I had a dr. appointment today and she looks beautiful. she weighs about 2lbs 7oz. thus far the only bad thing has been the swelling in my hands and feet but lots of water and rest helps. i can't believe that i have only 12 weeks left! too crazy.

my mom came this past weekend and we painted the baby's room and got it all arranged. it looks so cute with green and blue! I'll have to post pictures soon. It makes it feel real and so exciting that she's almost here! For those of you that haven't heard...we are going to name her Dalli Ann Lemon. She is quite the little mover. I felt her 1st hiccups today! I am so lucky and have Taylour here to help me for a while. She is probably bored out of her mind, but I love the company. It was great to see my dad and Wendy too when they came to visit and drop Tay off.

Dustin and I are great! Just getting things done around our little house. I have my garden in and most everything is up! I'm especially proud of my only the critters will stay away! Dusty is gearing up for his 1st rodeo this weekend in Morgan. I'm so proud of him and excited to begin again. I was getting just as restless as he was :). Well that is about all now.